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through landscape photos we find adventure and captivation with

Fine Art Photography

Relax and enjoy the beauty of art prints  and change your home or office through the elegance of mother nature.  See why having custom art in your home space can change your mindset and living space forever. 

buy fine art prints online 

Browse The Wandering Sensei's fine art printsand bring breathtaking beauty from around the world to your home through captivating imagery. Every one of the photographs and photoprintsyou'll find here is created by the artist and sensei Lorenzo Sandoval. Each still image encompasses the excitement, the stillness, and the awe-striking grandeur of nature and our surroundings. The photography prints highlight the colors Lorenzo Sandoval aspired to capture and bring an element of vibrancy and optimism to your home or office décor. Buy fine art prints onlineof what the city, wilderness, and mountains offer.

art gallery 

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Click on an image below to select a gallery collection. 

golden hour 

From $59

mountain photography 

From $66


From $59


From $66.

Architecture photography 

From $59

desert photograhy 

From $66

animals and wild life 

From $59

machines photography  

from $59

landscape photography 

From $81

cityscapes photography 

From .$59

Best Sellers 

Landscape Photography 

Fine art prints can enhance the look and feel of a home by reflecting personal style, adding aesthetic appeal, evoking emotions, and creating a mood in the space. Art photography prints are high-quality, printed reproductions of original photographs that are considered works of art. Check out our best selling Landscape Photography prints and Art prints for your collection. 

landscape art prints

The Wandering Sensei offers a wide array of landscape wall art in a variety of locations. Scroll below to read more about each theme and style of fine art photography prints that The Wandering Sensei carries, and discover what images bring you the most joy and can serve your space beautifully with  Art Prints Online. 


Ocean Photography 

Water allows us to find respite from the outside world, and our ocean photographs and waterfall photography prints help deepen the sense of connection we have with our spirit. Even in ocean photography that seems still and tranquil, the movement and power of the sea ocremain. Lorenzo Sandoval tells the story of water through his ability to capture the moment between stillness and movement, helping one stay present and appreciate the beauty of simplicity.


Peaceful Forest Art Prints

In this busy world where everyone and everything is in a constant state of motion, it can be hard to slow down and remember the peace that’s found in stillness. Through The Wandering Sensei’s forest photography prints, one can invite the serenity of nature’s most faraway places into their home, making them the perfect addition to any space.

DESERT landscape wall art

Lorenzo who was born and raised in heat and sand, is often photographing around the southern desert in the United States. Seeing the beauty of the desert through an artist eyes and show some of the most unique landscapes of the  deserts. 

Who is The Wandering Sensei?

Who Is The Wandering Sensei?

Lorenzo Sandoval is a wander and sensei who has made it his mission to capture the elusive images from the earth’s greatest treasures. As someone who is deeply involved in martial arts, Sandoval believes in the philosophy that all should live together in peace and harmony. His calling for a photography career came from his innate love of the arts. After excelling as a sensei, he looked inward and found that through his artistic pursuits, he could help spread his philosophy of oneness. Through his years of dedication to his craft and his sense of self, he has mastered the ability to move through spaces and capture moments that could easily be missed. All of this is what has made him become one of the most sought-after photographers in landscape photography.

Trusted Art Seller

The presence of this badge signifies that this business has officially registered with the Art Storefronts Organization and has an established track record of selling art.

It also means that buyers can trust that they are buying from a legitimate business. Art sellers that conduct fraudulent activity or that receive numerous complaints from buyers will have this badge revoked. If you would like to file a complaint about this seller, please do so here.

Verified Returns & Exchanges

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this business has provided a returns & exchanges policy for all art purchases.

Description of Policy from Merchant:

There are a few steps you can take to handle returns and exchanges for art: Clearly communicate your return and exchange policies to your customers. This can help prevent misunderstandings and reduce the number of requests for returns or exchanges. If a customer wants to return or exchange a piece of art, ask them to provide a reason for the request. This will help you understand the problem and determine the best course of action. If the return or exchange is due to a mistake on your part (e.g., the wrong item was shipped), offer to cover the cost of shipping the item back to you and the cost of sending a replacement. If the return or exchange is due to a change of heart on the part of the customer, you can offer a store credit or a partial refund, but you are not required to do so. If you decide to accept a return or exchange, provide clear instructions to the customer on how to send the item back to you, and confirm receipt of the item when it arrives. If you decide not to accept a return or exchange, explain your decision to the customer and provide any relevant information or details that support your decision.

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This website provides a secure checkout with SSL encryption.

Verified Archival Materials Used

The Art Storefronts Organization has verified that this Art Seller has published information about the archival materials used to create their products in an effort to provide transparency to buyers.

Description from Merchant:

Archival materials are materials that are of high quality and are designed to last for a long time without fading, discoloring, or deteriorating. In the context of art, archival materials are typically used to create artwork or prints that are intended to be long-lasting and of high quality. Here are some examples of archival materials that may be used in the creation of artwork or prints: Inks: Archival inks are made with pigments that are resistant to fading and are designed to last for a long time without discoloring. Paper: Archival paper is made with high-quality fibers that are designed to resist fading and discoloration. It may also be acid-free and pH-neutral, which helps to prevent it from yellowing over time. Canvas: Archival canvas is made with high-quality fibers that are designed to resist fading and discoloration. It may also be primed with an archival-quality primer, which helps to protect the canvas and extend its lifespan. Other materials: Other archival materials that may be used in the creation of artwork or prints include archival-quality paints, adhesives, and protective coatings. It's important to note that not all materials used in the creation of artwork or prints are necessarily archival. It's always a good idea to check with the artist or manufacturer to learn more about the materials that were used in the creation of a particular piece of art. For more information on archival materials, you may want to check out the following resources: The Library of Congress has a helpful guide on archival materials that you can find here: The International Association of Fine Art Traditional Printmakers has a useful article on archival printing materials that you can find here: The National Archives has a helpful guide on choosing archival-quality materials that you can find here:


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